2007年4月10日 星期二

About marriage

The missing piece is just like the people who hope to find the companion. After finding very long, the missing piece considers that it finally finds the fit roll. However people will grow up, so they match no longer. The people separated just find the companion keep on. They change little by little, and then they find the real companion of them finally.

We are always looking for the match of ours. Although we can’t find the real match at the first time, we will become better than before. Finally we can find the real match in the future.

2007年4月1日 星期日

None of Her Business

Pat is waiting for her bus. She wants to see her sister’s new baby. She notices a man is striking a blind woman. Pat wants to help the blind woman, and she asks help for a man behind a little hot-dog stand. But the man says it’s not your business. Pat is very angry, and she still tries to save the blind woman, and she really success.

Although there are many bad people in the world, we should help those who really need help.