2007年4月1日 星期日

None of Her Business

Pat is waiting for her bus. She wants to see her sister’s new baby. She notices a man is striking a blind woman. Pat wants to help the blind woman, and she asks help for a man behind a little hot-dog stand. But the man says it’s not your business. Pat is very angry, and she still tries to save the blind woman, and she really success.

Although there are many bad people in the world, we should help those who really need help.

2 則留言:

Ten 提到...

I think this story is a little tricky, doesn't it? The woman gave the vender a glad smile seems to suggest that something unusual. This part makes me guess that the woman was the real prisoner!
Uh, maybe you'll said:" You think too much!"

Rachel 提到...

Dear Sandy:

I once said the sentence “None of your business”, but I will try not to say that rude words again.

In the world, somebody’s personalities get problems. The bad personality acquirements are caused by the education. Fortunately, Pat didn’t lose her conscience or a tragedy might happen.

I suggest the man behind a hot-dog stand should think if his family members or his friends were striking by a bad guy, and no one would give a hand. What are his feelings?
