2007年4月10日 星期二

About marriage

The missing piece is just like the people who hope to find the companion. After finding very long, the missing piece considers that it finally finds the fit roll. However people will grow up, so they match no longer. The people separated just find the companion keep on. They change little by little, and then they find the real companion of them finally.

We are always looking for the match of ours. Although we can’t find the real match at the first time, we will become better than before. Finally we can find the real match in the future.

2007年4月1日 星期日

None of Her Business

Pat is waiting for her bus. She wants to see her sister’s new baby. She notices a man is striking a blind woman. Pat wants to help the blind woman, and she asks help for a man behind a little hot-dog stand. But the man says it’s not your business. Pat is very angry, and she still tries to save the blind woman, and she really success.

Although there are many bad people in the world, we should help those who really need help.

2007年3月25日 星期日

Summary of “Piggy book”

“Piggy book “is whitened by Simon Patrick. It is a storybook talks about a family. The mother has to prepare three meals for husband and two children. Besides she also has to do all the housework and then go to work. She works so hard, although nobody appreciated her.
One day she can’t abide the kind of life. She writes a letter “You are pigs.” to her families and then lift. Suddenly her families fall in a hell. They have to do all the things themselves so they very miss their wife and mother. Finally she comes back and then she can do what she wants to do.

Summary of Changing Roles

This paper is talks about the change of father’s role in family. Neil Walkinshaw is the first to hope to be a stay-at-home dad. There aren’t have the opinion that fathers’ emotional involvement, but now more and more fathers participate in the children’s life. The study point that fathers at home can lower juvenile crime rates. Fathers are the example of the children. This is the reason why fathers’ role is more important than mothers’. Family roles are not immutable. It is changing.

2007年3月19日 星期一

My favorite song

Forever Memories is a single which is sing by my favorite Japanese team “w-inds.” and composed by Hiroaki Hayama.

The song is says the separate lovers. Even choice two different ways, the memories of theirs never forget. At the first times just want to say: Thank you to each other, and then say good-bye to the past self. I love you than others and cares about you than everything so I hope you can live well and have a bright future.

The song is sing by my favorite team: w-inds. The song is also the first song of them.
I love them begin the song since 2001. When I listen the song I touched by the main singer’s clean voice and the wonderful dance. I think the song will be the forever memories to mark the moment that I begin love them.

2007年3月11日 星期日

~about me~

My name is Yiching Chen. My warm house is located a beautiful mountain. My families are father, mother and a brother. My father is a boatman. My mother is a housewife. My brother is a senior high student. My family are the best family in the world. Sometimes we have a row, but we know we love each other.

I like read books like Japanese literature novels, Taiwanese novels and Sherlock Holmes’s ratiocinative novel. I also like watch movies and listen music. Japanese music is sure my favorite. However sleeping is my best love.

I have a dream, a greatest dream. The dream is have a trip to Japan. Go everywhere in the Japan. Eat all the delicious traditions food. Visit all the place of historic interest. For the dream I have to be good at Japanese and English. I hope I can the two languages well in four years.